by Silvia Oliveira | Jun 10, 2021 | News
Ricardo Neto, President of Novo Verde, participated in the panel discussion on “Sustainability as a Competitive Factor,” in which many companies were encouraged to take steps toward a more environmentally sustainable future, either through legal compliance...
by Silvia Oliveira | Jun 10, 2021 | News
The Novo Verde Packaging Enterprise Award is looking for the best ideas and solutions for plastic packaging. The Novo Verde Packaging Enterprise Award 2020 is aimed at packaging manufacturers, especially companies that develop plastic packaging solutions, to bring...
by Silvia Oliveira | Apr 30, 2021 | News
Ricardo Neto, current president of Novo Verde and ERP Portugal, has been elected for a two-year term as president of Fluxos, the association representing Portuguese waste management systems. The Fluxos association brings together eight companies that manage waste from...
by oficinadosite | Nov 29, 2020 | News, News - Featured
Novo Verde’s President, Ricardo Neto, will be part of the debate panel on Sustainability as a factor of competitiveness, which has encouraged many companies to take steps towards creating a more environmentally sustainable future, either through compliance with...
by oficinadosite | Nov 29, 2020 | News
The new edition of Novo Verde’s Geração Verdão campaign is an environmental awareness and education initiative carried out in partnership with the Eco-Schools program, whose main objective is to contribute to the development of recycling culture in Portugal by...
by oficinadosite | Nov 17, 2020 | News
The compliance system Novo Verde launches a new edition of the research and development competition Novo Verde Packaging Enterprise Award, aimed at companies in the packaging industry to find the best solutions that meet the concept of the circular economy. The 2020...