Novo Verde brand is registered by Novo Verde as a specific marking symbol of packaging included in the Packaging Waste Management Integrated System.
Once placed in a packaging, “Novo Verde” brand means that the economic operator responsible for it fulfills its responsibilities as the first put on the market product figure has already transferred these responsibilities to a compliance scheme througt the payment of financial fees.
The marking of packaging with the specific compliance scheme symbol was legally mandatory until 12/31/2018 on primary non-reusable packaging, and optional on secondary non-reusable multipack packaging and shopping bags. From 01/01/2019, non-reusable packaging is no longer under this obligation.
The legal framework for mandatory packaging marking is present in Article 6 of Decree-Law No. 366-A / 97, of 20 December with the changes introduced, and in Article 28 of Decree-Law No. 152-D / 2017, of December 11th.
The economic operators may use this symbol if they celebrate a contract with Novo Verde, pay the amount determined for its use and respect its using graphic rules.
Novo Verde Symbol rules of useNovo Verde Symbol Contrat Novo Verde Symbol Manual
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Cabra Figa
2635-448 Rio de Mouro
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