Novo Verde marks the International Recycling Day with a positive balance of its four years activity, during which it has already been responsible for the selective collection of more than 120 500 tonnes of packaging waste.
From the first year of activity (2017) to 2020, Novo Verde more than doubled the collected quantities, with a management record of 39 617 tons of waste in 2020. Even with the pandemic, the numbers show an overall increase of 15 % in the collection from 2019 to 2020, with emphasis on the recovery of paper / cardboard (+ 55.3%) and aluminum (+ 10.1%).
Ricardo Neto, Novo Verde President, says that “these figures reveal that not even the successive confinements stopped the Portuguese to strongly recycling, showing at the same time that the Integrated Packaging Waste Management System (IPWMS) did not fail and maintained its operations, guaranteeing selective collection and the possibility of giving a new life to so many materials. The growth in these four years brings us enormous satisfaction, as we conclude that the effort to create competition in a sector where it did not exist has only brought benefits to the various IPWMS players. We are motivated to continue to promote actions to activate / replicate sustainable behaviors, translated into selective packaging deposition, increasing the recycled materials quantity and quality and making the IPWMS more and more efficient ”.
Novo Verde has increasingly invested in awareness and education actions close to the public, to encourage the selective packaging waste delivery. Only in 2021, in partnership with the EDP Foundation, opened the Earth Bits - Feel the Planet exhibition, which took place at Maat, inviting visitors to think about the climate emergency; Also in April, Mafra Reciclar a Valer + initiative was launched, a project financed by the EEA Grants with the Mafra Municipality, Tratolixo and other entities, with the aim of rewarding consumers for PET and aluminum plastic packaging delivering. Novo Verde is also one of the Water World Forum For Life event main sponsors, which will take place in the first days of June, for the first time in Portugal, and in which the compliance scheme will be present with collection and awareness actions.
Still focusing on water, specifically in the oceans, Novo Verde is preparing a mega initiative on Portuguese beaches that will consist of waste collection actions on the beach and awareness activities for the youngest. Primarily aimed at the school community, this activity, which will cover 30 beaches from north to south of the country, is also open to the general public.
These are just some of the initiatives recently promoted by Novo Verde with the aim of getting more people to participate in this journey for the sustainability of the planet.
12 machines to encourage the beverage packaging recycling are now available
Mafra City Council leads ‘MAFRA Reciclar a Valer +’ project to encourage the selective disposal of beverage packaging
The objective is to contribute to a higher citizens participation in the recycling process, directly rewarding them at the aluminum and PET plastic packaging up to 3 liters disposal action. This selective packaging disposal facilitates their separation and increases the quality of the materials, enhancing their recycling.
12 packaging collection solutions provided by the 'MAFRA Reciclar a Valer +' consortium project, led by the City Council of Mafra, are accessible to all citizens, who will be rewarded for the delivery of PET plastic bottles and aluminum cans according to their volume (0.02 € for smaller packaging until 0.50 liters and 0.05 € for packaging waste larger than 0.50 liters and up to 3 liters).
These equipment network, which are located in 6 Mafra Municipality schools and distributed by a total of 6 in Lidl, Minipreço and Pingo Doce stores, will allow to test the incentive system functioning, contributing to increase knowledge about it and prepare the country for the deposit system implementation, mandatory from January 2022.
To promote the participation and correct use of these machines, it is planned to carry out awareness campaigns, including in online format, mobilizing the citizens and visitors of the Municipality to these solutions added value.
For Lúcia Bonifácio, Mafra City Hall Councillor , “With the project 'MAFRA Reciclar a Valer +' we took on the challenge of recycling and the circular economy, betting on innovation, to which is added the contribution of public and private entities, citizens and everyone who visits our Municipality."
In addition to the Municipality of Mafra, the project has the participation of Novo Verde and Electrão, packaging waste compliance schemes that will help to implement the collection equipment in the Municipality, Tratolixo, to where the collected waste in the various municipalities available machines will be sent, and also Instituto Superior Técnico and 3drivers that will support this solution monitoring and evaluation.
Ricardo Neto, President of Novo Verde, adds that “’ MAFRA Reciclar a Valer + ’continues the pilot project launched in 2019, also in the Municipality of Mafra, whose consumers participation has been growing and massive. This way, Novo Verde renews its commitment to partnerships and initiatives that make the difference, as they promote consumers participation in the recycling process and allow to increase the circularity and quality of the collected materials. ”
The General Manager of Electrão, Pedro Nazareth, considers that this project was developed to explore the different operational dynamics of the deposit system management. "It is very important that the national system to be established allows the incorporation of different deposit projects that have been carried out, all over the country, enhancing the investment made and the know-how acquired in the meantime".
The Administration Council President of TRATOLIXO, João Teixeira, considers that this Project is fundamental to demonstrate the importance of the operational role of the Urban Waste Management Systems (SGRU) in the non-reusable packaging deposit system. “It is very important that the SGRU continue to be integrated into the deposit system in order to minimize the ecological footprint and, at the same time, allow the investments made profitability, of the equipment and of existing human resources, with clear environmental, technical and economic benefits for the entire System."
From Instituto Superior Técnico, Paulo Ferrão Professor highlights the considerable environmental benefits of the project, as well as the work that will be developed to “get to know the perspective of the consumer, a fundamental part of this whole system, and of other stakeholders, which will allow to improve the performances and the results we set out to achieve."
António Lorena, managing partner of 3drivers, reinforces that “today we have to think about innovative projects that focus on the circularity of resources and that is precisely what 'Mafra Reciclar a Valer +' aims to: recover used beverage packaging and guarantee their recycling, avoiding the loss of valuable resources ”. “The unveiling of these machines materializes the work that has been carried out for a few months by everyone involved and we are very proud of what we are presenting in Mafra”, emphasizes António Lorena.
More information at
'MAFRA Reciclar a valer +' project, which will run until the end of 2021, is supported by 756 thousand euros through the EEA Grants Portugal Environment Program, a Multiannual Financial Mechanism between the European Economic Area and Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.
About EEA Grants
Through the Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA), Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway are partners in the internal market with the Member States of the European Union.
In order to promote a continuous and balanced strengthening of economic and trade relations, the parties to the EEA Agreement have established a multi-annual Financial Mechanism, known as the EEA Grants.
The EEA Grants aim to reduce social and economic disparities in Europe and to strengthen bilateral relations between these three countries and the beneficiary countries.
For the 2014-2021 period, a total contribution of € 2.8 billion has been agreed to 15 beneficiary countries. Portugal will benefit from a budget of 102.7 million euros.
Learn more at
Novo Verde and ERP Portugal have joined Maratona Clube de Portugal
After the success of the virtual races held in May and October 2020, the Maratona Clube de Portugal (Portuguese Marathon Club - MCP) and its main partners, namely EDP, Vodafone, CME, Mimosa, Águas de Luso and Novo Verde and ERP Portugal, under “Non-Stop Recycling”, launch six new races, one per week with distances of 5 or 10 kilometers, with the first race starting on April 12, 2021.
With the encouragement of official sponsors and institutional support from the Instituto Português do Desporto e da Juventude and the Lisbon City Council (CML) it is possible to promote this third edition of virtual races, in a free format for the participants and with the offer of an exclusive medal (the number of medals is limited).
The race schedule features six races in a “sequence”, creating a weekly dynamic for a number of participants expected to reach the October numbers (about 10,000 participants unique). “By this time, in 2020, I was far from imagining that we would have to organize virtual races, but the pandemic, and its tragic evolution, dictated it. Today I feel that we have done the best, taking into account account what is allowed in the context of sporting events”, stresses Carlos Moia, Maratona Clube de Portugal President, which also adds “I experience mixed feelings, on the one hand, enormous sadness that we are still unable to organize the large face-to-face events, on the other hand, the certainty duty fulfilled. With the help of our partners, our athletes, amateurs and professionals, continued to run, in a virtual format.”
In this way, MCP, even during a crisis as serious and unexpected as the one we are experiencing, fulfills the purpose with which it was born 30 years ago: to encourage the practice of sports, in a safe format, accessible to everyone and with a final prize. The top five thousand finalists receive a free medal, allusive to the third edition of this initiative.
How to participate
Registration Rules
Registrations are made on the VRaces MCP mobile application (available on the Apple Store and Google Play) or on the races landing page. Registration is free as well as the mobile application.
Registered participants can log in to the landing page or the application (confirming that they have the latest version installed) and automatically select the tests in which they wish to participate. For each selected race, a personalized number will be sent.
It is possible to register for a race until the deadline for participation.
We reinforce that the participants have to register their participation in the application of the tests, VRaces MCP, or by uploading a GPX file from another application or device. Each race has to be carried out in a single race / session, on one of the days of the week defined for each race.
Results and Medals
The results of each participant automatically enter the leaderboard. Personalized participation certificates are sent automatically, by email.
Each participant will receive a single medal, by e-mail, regardless of the number of tests they may conclude. The medal will be sent to the address entered in the register. Medals will not be sent to wrong or incomplete addresses.
DGS Rules
The organization calls on participants to comply with the rules imposed by DGS during their race. The MCP intends to promote the practice of sports, but always in compliance with the rules of safety and prevention defined by the competent entities.
The exhibition Earth Bits – Feel the Planet was inaugurated at April 5, at the Maat – Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology. A two-year project, which will have additional and updated content, was possible by an ongoing partnership of the EDP Foundation with ERP Portugal and Novo Verde.
ERP Portugal and Novo Verde choose 2021 to invest in culture, one of the sectors most affected by the pandemic, with a two-year partnership with Maat for the development and realization of the exhibition Earth Bits – Feel the Planet.
Inaugurated at April 5, at the museum’s reopening ceremony that was attended by the City Councilor for the Environment of Lisbon City Council, José Sá Fernandes, and the President of the EDP Foundation, Vera Pinto Pereira, this is one of the exhibits that is part of Maat Explorations, in a programmatic framework launched this year that will feature a continuous series of exhibitions and public and educational projects that delve into the multifaceted theme of environmental transformation from various academic and experimental perspectives.
Earth Bits – Feel the Planet is an installation, based on data that are presented in digital content, videos and an interactive station, designed by the research studio Dotdotdot. The four sections of this project, which also includes the participation of the European Space Agency (ESA), the International Energy Agency (IEA) and EDP Innovation, show the cause / effect link of human behavior on the planet’s resources. From the set of themes addressed in the exhibition, emphasis is placed on recycling waste and the importance of citizens’ behavior as a key to ensure the process and the resulting benefits, namely the measurement of greenhouse gas emission savings.
Rosa Monforte, ERP Portugal General Manager, says that “sustainability is increasingly in the narrative of our society, but it cannot be just a plan of intentions: it is urgent to effectively convert it into new habits and change mentalities. Earth Bits – Feeling the Planet brings together these designs to those of Art, Culture and even Knowledge, involving the technical support of renowned institutions. Together, they can be important catalysts in this transformation of consciences ”. And she adds: “As ERP Portugal is an entity that promotes good recycling practices for Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) and end-of-life batteries, we consider this partnership with the EDP Foundation to be a winning alliance. ERP Portugal is responsible for raising awareness of these waste correct disposal relevance, which are so present in our lives and which have a high recovery capacity, preserving our resources and natural raw materials”.
Ricardo Neto, Novo Verde President, adds that “raising awareness is one of the main missions of Novo Verde, with a view to promoting the recycling of packaging waste. By sponsoring the exhibition Earth Bits – Feeling the Planet, we are amplifying our message and making it (even more) democratic, through art and a constructive and pedagogical experience that will certainly impact hundreds of people on the imperative to minimize the environmental impact of human action on the planet. Being a two-year project, this is also a way of showing society the result of each waste correctly recycled by each of us, in a unique show, in a unique building and museum like the Maat. As partners, it is with great pride that we join the EDP Foundation, in this mission of ensuring an unprecedented trip to environmental impact, with content specially designed for this purpose ”.
“The partnership with ERP Portugal and Novo Verde is of great importance for us, since it allows an exhibition that takes up the theme of climate emergence, a decisive debate of our time. This is a natural association with two entities that share the same values ??and concerns about the Environment with the EDP Foundation. We believe, together with ERP Portugal and Novo Verde, that the Earth Bits exhibition will contribute, due to its pedagogical and interactive aspects, to change our behavior in relation to the Planet ”, says Miguel Coutinho, General Director of the EDP Foundation.
The initiative also includes a program of public and educational projects to be developed throughout the year, with schools and the community. Earth Bits – Feeling the Planet will be on display in the Maat until September 6, 2021.
Ricardo Neto, Novo Verde President was part of the debate panel on Sustainability as a factor of competitiveness, which has encouraged many companies to take steps towards creating a more environmentally sustainable future, either through compliance with legislation or through voluntary practices.
Novo Verde Packaging Entreprise Award seeks the best ideas and solutions in the plastic packaging sector
Aimed at packaging manufacturing companies, Novo Verde Entreprise Packaging Award 2020 edition is subordinated to plastic packaging solutions. Applications are open until December 15, 2020 and the global prize amount is 25 thousand euros.
Novo Verde, packaging waste compliance scheme, has just launched another edition of Novo Verde Packaging Entreprise Award research and development contest, a challenge aimed at packaging manufacturing companies, with the aim of finding the best solutions that fulfill the designs of the circular economy.
The 2020 edition is subject to plastic packaging solutions and applications are open until December 15, 2020. Once the application is submitted, the companies in the contest will be able to submit their projects until January 31, 2021.
With a global value of 25 thousand euros, Novo Verde intends to boost the sector and promote competitiveness among companies. The Packaging Entreprise Award'20 has three levels of winners in which the first place will be awarded the amount of 15 thousand euros and the second and third, the values ??of 6 thousand and 4 thousand euros, respectively. The winning projects will be unveiled at the end of February 2021.
Ricardo Neto, President of Novo Verde, adds that “The circularity of the economy is increasingly a common denominator in any activity, but the packaging sector has a fundamental role in this context. With a focus on the plastic category, this year we are looking for innovative solutions that streamline the various processes, from the creation of packaging, to materials, as well as production, collection and recycling, always with a view to minimizing environmental impact. We know that the sector is always on the move in terms of R&D and it is up to Novo Verde, as the packaging management entity, to signal and reward the best projects. We are looking forward to this year's edition. ”
The Novo Verde Packaging Entreprise Award 2020 edition has the cooperation of APIP - Portuguese Association of the Plastics Industry and applications can be submitted via email
All information and regulations for the contest can be found on Novo Verde website and the news can also be followed on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.
Novo Verde has just launched the new edition of Geração Verdão campaign, an environmental awareness and education initiative in partnership with the Eco-Schools Program and whose main objective is to contribute to the development of a culture of recycling in Portugal through the training and education of children and young people of today, adults of tomorrow, in the school context.
All schools in the Eco-Schools 2020/21 program can register until February 20, 2021.
Based on the awareness of children and young people to the theme of separation and selective delivery of packaging waste, Geração Verdão presents this year a new set of creative activities: for the Kindergarten and Primary School students, the challenge is the construction of objects using different types of packaging per school period (eg Christmas ornament, Father's Day and Mother's Day); the 2nd and 3rd Cycle students have to create a poster about the history of an object, related to Circular Economy and, for the older ones in Secondary, Professional and Higher Education schools, the activity is to make a video or animation about Circular Economy. Decathlon Portugal joins this initiative, with the aim of combining the promotion of sports practice with the preservation of the planet. The three winning schools in each step receive a Decathlon check for € 200, for a total prize amount of € 1800.
But the prizes don't stop there and, for that, the students' knowledge will be tested. At the end of the three periods of the current school year (in December, April and June), a quiz will be held with content on sustainability and packaging recycling. The 5 winners of each quiz will receive tickets to the Oceanário, offered by Pingo Doce.
Filipa Moita, Novo Verde PR Manager, adds that “these initiatives aim, much more than stimulating the creativity of all students, to encourage the adoption of good practices in the daily life of the school community. We believe that with these activities, students start to look at packaging in a different perspective, analyzing the stages of their life cycle and their impact on the planet and on resources management ”.
More information at .
Novo Verde was present at the 14th Waste Forum, a reference event promoted by Água e Ambiente magazine for all agents in the waste sector.
On October 28, Ricardo Neto, President of Novo Verde, was part of the panel “Recycling and Reuse: how to get around the current management limitations”, in the discuss on the challenges of “Reinventing the Packaging” alongside other waste packaging compliance schemes, in a conversation moderated by Graça Martinho, professor at the Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering at the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
‘Reciclar Valer +’ is a pioneering project that promotes sustainable behaviors. Over a year it was possible to collect more than 13 kilograms of PET plastic through a reverse vending system that rewards the consumer.
Novo Verde today celebrates a year of the pilot project 'Reciclar a Valer +', a pioneering awareness campaign that consists of a reverse vending machine that delivers discount vouchers in exchange for PET beverage bottles.
Implemented at Pingo Doce da Malveira store, this initiative allowed more than 500 thousand bottles of PET drinks to be collected in one year, which is equivalent to more than 13 thousand kilograms of this type of packaging waste. Consumers who joined the pilot project and delivered their PET bottles were given discount vouchers in the total amount of around 20 thousand euros.
Ricardo Neto, President of Novo Verde, points out that “this project turns out to be a way to improve the collection rates of PET packaging waste, but also a test on the behavior of the population regarding this issue. These numbers are indicators that gathering the message of awareness to a system of rewards for the consumer, can be a formula for the success in the commitment of goals and, above all, in the name of the environment. ”
This initiative is part of the set of general measures and targets of the European Union in terms of waste management, as well as the European Strategy for Plastics, in which all the packaging of this material, placed on the European Union market, must be reusable or easily recyclable by 2030. Plastic beverage bottles, as single-use plastic products, should be subject to refund systems or other measures with a direct positive impact on the collection rate, thus on the quality of the collected material and recycled materials.
The pilot project “Reciclar a Valer +” is an initiative of Novo Verde in partnership with the Municipality of Mafra and Tratolixo - Treatment of Urban Solid Waste.
Novo Verde, in partnership with the Mafra City Council, has just launched a new awareness campaign - NOVHORECA Bars and Restaurants.
The initiative consists in the distribution of kits in these establishments with explanatory materials on the correct packaging waste sorting. These non-reusable packaging coming from HORECA establishments must be separated to allow their proper forwarding and recycling.
In this sense, about 100 establishments in the village of Ericeira received a reusable bag Novo Verde, consisting of explanatory posters that can be placed in spaces, magnets, stickers of selective collection, certificate and even coasters.
Keeping in mind the pandemic that the country is going through, one of the main messages also refers to the handling of disposable gloves and masks, which must be placed in the undifferentiated container.
The behavior of the HORECA channel establishments is fundamental for increasing environmental performance through the correct separation of packaging waste, not only by employees, but also by guests and customers of this sector.
Ricardo Neto, President of Novo Verde, reinforces that “the initiative aims to alert, raise awareness and educate the responsible, workers and customers of the HORECA channel establishments for the adoption of more and better packaging separation habits. This has been a relevant area of ??activity for Novo Verde due to the strong impact it has on the waste generated. Thus, we want to help all players in this sector to achieve better performance in this matter ”.
All Novo Verde actions can be followed on Facebook and Instagram, as well as on Linkedin.
The SITIODOAL platform, developed with the aim of supporting entrepreneurs to find all information, products and services in one place, has just launched the first edition of StarsAL, an award that aims to distinguish innovative ideas and projects in the various areas of tourism.
The main objective of the platform is to bring together successful companies with the capacity to identify their peers, establish alliances, form ecosystems and, thus, build innovation and competition in the market, delivering a better experience to the consumer.
In this award there are five categories, whose ideas will be evaluated by a jury composed of elements from relevant companies in the respective areas. Novo Verde will be part of the work group of Sustainability Star, aimed at accommodations and companies that are distinguished by their performance and efforts developed in the scope of Sustainability.
In addition to this category, the following categories also work: Star INODecor, which aims to reward those who stand out the most for the innovation and application of new concepts; Star Outsourincing, which will target companies in the area of ??strategy development and investment in both markets; Star Food and Beverage, aimed at companies that present projects and initiatives of tourist relevance that have contributed to the qualification of the offer and to the strengthening of the sector's competitiveness; Star Startups to recognize entrepreneurs of different nationalities for tech and no-tech ideas that aim to stimulate the tourism ecosystem.
Who can apply?
Everyone who has a project or company in any of the categories mentioned.
Registration is free and the objective is to reward the best projects and help to boost the business fabric.
Submission is made through a specific form for each category on the website until September 30, 2020.
Presented by the artist Sofia Cotrim, packaging waste, WEEE and used batteries compliance schemes launch 8 DIY episodes to Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Have Fun
The impact of Covid-19 pandemic in Portugal and in the world had consequences on the habits of all of us, resulting in a longer stay at home, even after the end of the emergency state of emergency and in a phase of deflation.
Thinking of all families that, considering this framework, seek new forms of entertainment, alongside the mission of bringing environmental awareness to all homes, Novo Verde and ERP Portugal, WEEE and used batteries compliance scheme, created the digital series Sofia Inspira, a set of eight episodes that will exemplify how to give a second chance to waste, through the famous DIY (Do It Yoursef) and handicrafts from the artist Sofia Cotrim, from the program “Mundo de Sofia” ("Sophia's World").
This series, guided by the values of reduce and reuse, and also by the fun between peers and families, has opened on May 21st, on the Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin and Youtube networks of Novo Verde and ERP Portugal. For two months, every Thursday, a new episode will be launched in which used packaging, electrical equipment and batteries will be the main actors in 100% sustainable works and whose common denominator is the awareness environmental emergency message.
Ricardo Neto, President of Novo Verde, adds that “this initiative is the culmination of an idea that Novo Verde has always defended: a circular economy that is governed by Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. If, on the one hand, it is urgent that packaging waste to be sent to its correct ecopoints and recovery flows, on the other, we must inspire all Portuguese people for the values of upcycling, contributing not only to the environment, but to the conscience, well-being and inventive spirit of all.”
Rosa Monforte, General Manager of ERP Portugal, points out that “In a year that is especially different for all Portuguese, in which ERP celebrates 15 years of activity in Portugal, we believe that environmental awareness must follow new communication formats and differentiating ways to enter into the Portuguese radar. We live in an era - now more than ever - where electric and electronic products consumption is increasingly and the urgency of correctly disposing of this waste becomes even more essential and challenging.”
This is the motto of the project to install 23 non-reusable plastic beverage bottle collection machines, which started on March 13th, with the aim of encouraging citizens to adopt sustainable behaviors so that the collected material is recycled and incorporated as raw material in new packaging.
The usage rules are simple. Citizens deposit plastic beverage bottles in the machines and receive a receipt with the amount corresponding to the quantity of returned bottles, which can be used for purchases, in the store or insignia where the bottles were delivered. Alternatively, the amount received can be donated to a social institution.
At this moment, institutions interested in receiving the amount donated by consumers can already submit their application on the project's website, so we count on citizens support in sharing this information.
Help us to support the institutions through the dissemination of this pilot project managed by a consortium composed by teh Portuguese Association of Non-Alcoholic Refreshing Drinks (PROBEB) and Portuguese Retailers Companies Association (APED).
Find more at .
As a measure to contain the spread of COVID-19 and protect employees of the collection and treatment of waste, the packaging compliance scheme calls for the instructions of the National Health Service to be followed.
Regarding the evolution of COVID-19 in Portugal and in the world, Novo Verde alerts the population to the new rules for placing domestic waste, aiming to protect all inhabitants in Portugal, as well as professionals in waste collection and treatment systems.
In line with the information released by the National Health Service, Novo Verde warns that all household waste related to the protection of the coronavirus, especially masks, gloves, handkerchiefs or the like, must be deposited in the undifferentiated waste container and never separated for recycling or placed in ecopoints.
For cases of suspected or confirmed infection by COVID-19, Novo Verde also warns that the handling of these waste should have special attention, suggesting that all that are produced by the person in quarantine or isolation should be placed exclusively in a waste bin with non-manual opening.
The bag must be filled to 2/3 of its capacity and the waste cannot be pressed or pressed for air to escape. This bag, tightly closed, must be placed in a second plastic bag, also tightly closed with 2 tight knots and, preferably, with a tie or adhesive. These and other good protection practices can be followed in
In order to celebrate 4 years of activity in Portugal and more than 80 000 tones of packaging sent to recycling, the Compliance Scheme renews its corporate identity
Novo Verde, Packaging Compliance Scheme, presents a new corporate identity, “greener” and sustainable behaviours inspiring. Having been operating in the Portuguese market for about four years, we aim to get the consumers more connected with the environmental cause in general, as well as improve the correct packaging waste disposal.
With green as a common denominator in its graphic mood and activity, the new image also illustrates sustainability and the circular economy in its iconography. Ricardo Neto, President of Novo Verde, points out that “we want to inspire the Portuguese to have greener behaviors and give a new emphasis to the mission of Novo Verde. For that, after four years of activity, we tried to renew the image so that our activity is even more tangible, clear and close to Portuguese consumers. ”
Novo Verde was born to introduce the competition in the Packaging Waste Compliance Schemes sector with the Permit given by the Portuguese Government, in force since January 1st, 2017. Since then, Novo Verde has collected and sent for recycling more than 80 000 tons of waste.
The image change is the first of several brand initiatives that will take place in 2020, year that will be known of a wide activities program that will be announced shortly. Ricardo Neto stresses that “Novo Verde's strategy has been guided by a growing presence in the consumer journey, seeking to initiate the environmental message and the creation of a true recycling culture in Portugal. If in 2019, we tried to obtain more information about the trends in Portugal, in 2020 we will be even closer to what moves and motivates the Portuguese ”.
It should be remembered that in 2019 Novo Verde promoted a Permanent Observatory of Recycling Trends that concluded that 89% of the Portuguese already recycle and of the 11% that do not, more than half intend to start doing so. The survey also revealed that Baby Boomers (over 58 years old) are those who recycle the most, but it is the youngest (generation under 21 years old) who are generally more satisfied with various attributes related to the recycling process such as the distance between the residence and the ecopoint, the collection frequency and its cleaning.
All Novo Verde brand initiatives can be followed on Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin pages.
Waste compliance schemes are going to take an environmental message to around 80 000 participants in the country's marathons, races and walks of reference with the promise “I recycle without stopping!”
Novo Verde, for packaging waste, and ERP Portugal, compliance scheme of electrical and electronic waste and used batteries and accumulators, entered into a partnership with Marathon Club of Portugal to raise awareness of the 80 000 participants planned for the marathons, races and walks of reference of the parents. With the promise "I recycle without stopping", Novo Verde and ERP Portugal aim to highlight the importance of selective waste delivery in the appropriate places to ensure their treatment and recycling, according to their characteristics.
Through this partnership, Novo Verde and ERP Portugal will activate their environmental message in various supports and strategic moments of these sports events, exemplifying and encouraging participants to adopt sustainable behaviors, in a relaxed environment and naturally associated with this type of practices.
Ricardo Neto, President of Novo Verde and ERP Portugal, stresses that “the consolidation of these 3 waste streams - electrical and electronic, batteries and packaging - in this partnership with the Marathon Club of Portugal makes perfect sense. This way, it will be possible to explore the attitude of the 80 000 participants towards recycling, which will be reflected in the participation in the proposed initiatives, as well as the desired environmental behavior.”
Rosa Monforte, General Manager of ERP Portugal, points out that “ERP Portugal continues to believe in a strategy of raising awareness, direct education, close to consumers, the main agents in the waste management channel, as waste delivery act in the correct containers (Depositrão collection points) is the first step of our job: ensuring the treatment and recycling of these waste. Marathons, races and walks, have gained countless fans in the recent years, being events where there is a high number of people to raise awareness and mobilize for action, which is our purpose, recycle without stopping”.
Timetable of events:
Mini Campeões and Mimosa Passeio da Família (March 21), EDP Meia Maratona de Lisboa + Vodafone 10 (March 22), EDP Corrida da Mulher (May 17), Mini Campeões e Mimosa Passeio da Família (October 10), EDP Maratona de Lisboa e Luso Meia Maratona + EDP Mini Maratona (11 October) and EDP Grande Prémio de Natal (13 December) are the events where ERP Portugal and Novo Verde will be present to disseminate their environmental message.
Novo Verde returned to Torres Vedras Carnival, where over 3 days it was possible to facilitate the recycling of plastic / metal, paper / cardboard and glass packaging, through the action of human ecopoints.
Ricardo Neto, President of Novo Verde, concludes that “initiatives that promote the active citizens participation continue to be effective, especially in a context favorable to disseminate the message, in which the production of waste is frequent and high, daily . The partnership with the Municipality of Torres Vedras has resulted, once again, in an excellent opportunity for Novo Verde to inform and raise awareness among citizens, so important for the development and growth of our work.”
“The 'most Portuguese Carnival in Portugal' wants to become an increasingly green Carnival, every year we try to implement and develop measures that reflect our concerns with the environment preservation and sustainability” said Carlos Bernardes, Mayor of Torres Vedras Town Hall. Keeping in mind Nova Verde's participation during these days, Carlos Bernardes highlighted the importance of an action that shows that "Torres Vedras continues to make its contribution in what are the goals of sustainability."
Under the motto 'The Environment is not Fantasy: recycling makes magic!', 12 human ecopoints embodied fantastic and well-known characters - Minions, Smurfinas and Shrecks - and showed revelers how to recycle, together with the Torres Vedras City Council , making the “most Portuguese Carnival in Portugal” a greener event.
This initiative integrated the set of education and environmental awareness actions carried out by Novo Verde, in partnership with the Intermunicipal Community of Oeste, within the scope of the West Circular Program.
The European Week for Waste Reduction occurs between 16 and 24 of November.
Novo Verde and ERP Portugal have made a partnership with Azores Government to test the citizens knowlegde regarding the waste recycling.
The quiz is available here.
“Recycling Values+” campaign: Novo Verde and Mafra Town Hall launch the pilot project for plastic packaging collection in Malveira
Novo Verde, Mafra Town Hall and Tratolixo-Urban Waste Management present, under the signed cooperation protocol, a campaign to promote sustainable behavior in consumers, choosing Pingo Doce Malveira store as a space pilot for this purpose.
From October 1st, all customers of this commercial area in Malveira will be able to actively participate in the recycling process and deliver their PET plastic bottles of drinks, receiving vouchers of € 0.02 or € 0.05, to be used in their purchases.
This initiative is part of the EU's overall set of waste management measures and targets, as well as the European Plastics Strategy, where all packaging of this material put on the EU market should be reusable or easily recyclable by 2030 (Ordinance No. 202/2019 of 3 July).
Beverage plastic bottles, as single-use plastic products, should be subject to reimbursement systems or other measures that have a direct positive impact on the collection rate, thus on the quality of the collected material and recycled materials.
By 31 December this year, mechanisms should be put in place to encourage the return of non-reusable plastic beverage packaging to identify possible changes to consider in the future, thereby maximizing the circularity of recovered materials to be incorporated into the new bottle manufacturing process.
Ricardo Neto, President of Novo Verde states that “this project will be very important for Novo Verde, as we believe it will be an excellent way to test the mechanics and prepare consumers and other stakeholders to adopt sustainable behaviors. Through this collection solution, it will be possible to obtain materials with higher quality and circularity, which will facilitate their recycling and future incorporation into the manufacturing process of new products. ”
Helder Sousa Silva, Mayor of Mafra Town Hall, concludes that “Recycling is a determining factor for the growing reduction in the volume of waste produced and, consequently, for the preservation of the environment of the planet and of the Municipality of Mafra, in particular. By participating in this pilot project, the City Council is committed to encouraging citizens to adopt good practices, particularly in the area of waste collection of plastic beverage packaging, ensuring that the protection of the environment is everyone's responsibility! "
To João Dias Coelho, Administrator of Tratolixo, “This initiative will be an excellent vehicle to lead to the fulfillment of the collection goals of this material, increasing its quality and circularity index and facilitating its recycling.”
Paredes de Coura greener with Novo Verde and ERP Portugal
The summer festival Paredes de Coura, taking place from 14 to 17 August, will be greener with the help of Novo Verde and ERP Portugal.
The packaging waste compliance scheme, Novo Verde, bets on the incentive mechanics for the forwarding and recycling of PET bottles of beverages and soft drinks through the awarding of consumers who use the waste collection machine, installed on site under the Sê-lo Verde Program.
The well-known human ecopoints return to this festival to facilitate, awaken and root the behavior of campers and festival-goers regarding the placement of waste in appropriate containers and their recycling, which should be reflected in their daily lives.
ERP Portugal, which is responsible for the management of electrical and electronic equipment and end-of-life batteries, will make the public aware of the need to treat and recycle these waste, often composed of harmful substances that are dangerous to the environment and our health.
By streamlining the collection of this waste through channels available throughout the country, over 3000 proximity points (Depositrão network, ecocenters and electronic appliances stores), ERP Portugal ensures that they will reach their final destination, ie their decontamination, recovery and recycling, giving rise to raw materials to be incorporated into the manufacturing process of new products.
Filipa Moita, PR Manager, concludes that “high-turnout events are excellent opportunities to mobilize citizens for sustainable behavior, engaging them naturally and spontaneously through creative and participatory mechanics. The adhesion of all is fundamental for the development of the activity of the managing entities, since the placement of waste in specific containers is the key to their recycling. ”
Novo Verde and ERP Portugal were present at the National Sports Center of Jamor to celebrate the International Youth Day. This initiative was promoted by the Portuguese Institute of Sport and Youth and featured dozens of sports and recreational activities for an audience between 12 and 30 years.
Novo Verde promoted the collection of packaging generated in the context of the event through the action of the human ecopoints team, always ready to clarify and encourage the collaboration of participants in the recycling of packaging.
ERP Portugal was responsible for the installation of Depositrões for the delivery of electrical and electronic and end-of-life batteries, making known these containers and their function.
Filipa Moita, PR Manager of both organizations, said: “Young people are essential in promoting environmental behavior. They are a group that has a strong ability to influence their peers, thus favorable to the positive contagion of these behaviors. The target age group continues the work done with children, reinforcing concepts and emphasizing the importance of citizen participation in the waste management chain, regardless of their typology. ”
'Transformative Education' was this year's theme, which aims to promote opportunities for inclusive and equitable quality for all. International Youth Day has been celebrated since 1999 by resolution of the UN General Assembly.
Novo Verde and ERP Portugal together with Mafra Town Hall to awake sustainable behaviors
Novo Verde and ERP Portugal will be responsible for mobilizing sustainable behavior, promoting the delivery of waste from electrical and electronic equipment, batteries and packaging by Fexpolmaveira visitors, taking place between 13 and 18 August.
This initiative, carried out in partnership with the Municipality of Mafra, materializes the motto of its 31st edition in which the event's organization intends to “celebrate and recycle”.
During these days, visitors will be able to ensure the recycling of their waste and used batteries by using the on-site Depositrões and, consequently, to ensure the treatment and decontamination of substances harmful to the environment and health of all, as well as to obtain raw materials, to be incorporated into the manufacturing process of new products.
Packaging can be collected by human ecopoints, facilitating consumer behavior and ensuring their recycling.
These dynamics are part of the strategy of awareness, communication and education of both compliance schemes, with a view to the active participation of consumers in the management chain of these specific waste streams.
Novo Verde and ERP Portugal have joined 2000 children at the International Environment Day
The second edition of “Recycling Party”, an event organized by ERP Portugal and Novo Verde (waste compliance schemes), in partnership with the Municipality of Mafra, was attended by about two thousand children, in another World Environment Day, full of environmental awareness activities, this year at the Mafra Municipal Sports Park.
Children aged 6-11 were able to perform different environmental activities, such as learning how to group waste by typology, the consequences of abandoning plastic in the oceans, what happens to the waste we produce, resource management natural (such as water) among many others, all provided by the promoters together with the partners, among them the Blue Flag of Europe Association / Eco-Schools Program, Be Water, Eco Ambiente, Kosta Moving, Oceanário and Tratolixo.
Rosa Monforte, General Manager of ERP Portugal, underlined that “it was another successful day for the environment! The children had a great interaction and showed a real interest in the themes worked on the various challenges proposed. We left the event with the feeling that we delivered the message of the importance of waste recycling, ie mission accomplished. ”
To end this big recycling party, the children took part in a choreography about the importance of the behavior of all of us in the waste recycling chain and attended the concert of one of the most successful musicians on the national scene today, Paulo Sousa, who also entered the spirit and called for the adoption of sustainable behavior by children.
Ricardo Neto, President of Novo Verde, states that “this is one of our strategic communication focuses: to sensitize the public, in this case the youngest, to the adoption of environmental behaviors. We believe it was an experience that these children will keep in their memory, eventually sharing and giving the message of what they have learned from those closest to them. ”
The initiative had about 40 schools in the municipalities of Mafra, Cascais, Oeiras and Sintra and was attended by over 100 teachers.
Novo Verde will be part of the speakers panel of the European Hospitality Summit 2019 to work on the theme "New Standards and Evolution of Sustainability in Tourism", in the framework of the partnership with AHRESP (Hotel, Restaurant and Similar Association of Portugal).
Event's complete program here.
Ricardo Neto, President of Novo Verde and speaker at this event, says that “This partnership is another strategic step for the activity of the compliance scheme, as the NOVHORECA Local Accommodation kit will be used in contexts where there is a high production of packaging waste, which must be properly separated for recycling. ”
The NOVHORECA Local Accommodation kit, developed for AHRESP Members, was presented and distributed at the first edition of the Local Local Accommodation Management Course ', promoted by AHRESP under its QUALITY Program, whose first edition began in February.
This action is part of a series of awareness-raising and education initiatives on sustainable practices, particularly in the field of packaging waste management.
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