Civic Amenities

Novo Verde establishes contracts with all municipalities, associations of municipalities and / or management companies of multi-municipal or inter-municipal systems (Urban Waste Management Systems - SGRU), according to the standard contract published on the website of the Portuguese Environment Agencyand the General Directorate of Economic Activities.

SGRUs are responsible for the collection of household waste and similar waste whose daily production does not exceed 1100 liters per producer.

Packaging waste may come from selective collection and from undifferentiated collection, provided that they comply with the level of quality required by the technical specifications in force. In that case, the payment of financial contributions to the SGRU of the quantities (by weight) in respect of the materials recovered shall be made in accordance with the provisions of Order No. 14202-C / 2016 of November 25.

Packaging waste that does not meet the technical specifications is not taken over by Novo Verde.

Novo Verde provides annually with audits of SGRU, with the aim of verifying the quality and veracity of the information transmitted.

Below, we can find the Civic Amenities information, namely regarding their description:

Anual Urban Waste Report - 2017

Civic Amenities Descriptions Report - 2017

Urban Waste Information - 2017

More information here.


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