
Regarding the Decree Law n.º 152-D/2017, of December 11, n.º 1 of the article 3º, the “producer of the product” is “the natural or legal person who, regardless of the selling technique used, including distance selling and not including who exclusively finances under a financing agreement, unless he acts also as a producer within the meaning of the following:

i) Is established in the national territory and manufactures or orders to design or manufacture products under its own name or brand and market them in Portugal;

ii) Is established in the national territory and proceed to resell, rent or any other form of making available on the market, in Portugal, under its own name or brand, the product;

iii) Imports products from a third country or another Member State of the European Union;

(iv) Sells, rents or otherwise makes available on the product market via remote communication techniques directly to private or non-private users in Portugal and is established in another Member State of the European Union or in a country third."

Under Extended Producer Responsibility, companies that meet the conditions set out above must be responsible for the environmental impact of products placed on the market when they reach their end of life (waste).

Extended Producer Responsibility video


For the purpose of fulfilling obligations, companies which place on the national market packaged products of brands which they hold, which import packaged products or service packs, or which manufacture service packs, have the legal responsibility to manage packaging, the use of which results in the municipal waste production.

In this sense, companies may choose to submit the management of their packaging and packaging waste to an Integrated Management System, such as Novo Verde, thus ensuring compliance with the legislation and contributing to a better environment.

The transfer of responsibility can be made for all packaging materials or just a selection of materials, whichever is best suited for your company.

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