Virtual race in partnership with Maratona Clube de Portugal, which will take place from the 3rd to the 9th of May, whose participants must register via APP VRaces MCP or directly on the racing website.
Novo Verde is part of the partners that will encourage the practice of sport, in addition to the environmental component (waste management).
The main objectives are to mobilize the Portuguese to practice sport, combining it with environmental concerns, as well as increasing the amount of collected and recycled waste.
The exhibition Earth Bits – Feel the Planet was inaugurated at April 5, at the Maat – Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology. A two-year project, which will have additional and updated content, was possible by an ongoing partnership of the EDP Foundation with ERP Portugal and Novo Verde.
Earth Bits – Feel the Planet is an installation, based on data that are presented in digital content, videos and an interactive station, designed by the research studio Dotdotdot. The four sections of this project, which also includes the participation of the European Space Agency (ESA), the International Energy Agency (IEA) and EDP Innovation, show the cause / effect link of human behavior on the planet’s resources. From the set of themes addressed in the exhibition, emphasis is placed on recycling waste and the importance of citizens’ behavior as a key to ensure the process and the resulting benefits, namely the measurement of greenhouse gas emission savings.
Based on the awareness of children and young people to the theme of separation and selective delivery of packaging waste, Geração Verdão presents this year a new set of creative activities: for the Kindergarten and Primary School students, the challenge is the construction of objects using different types of packaging per school period (eg Christmas ornament, Father's Day and Mother's Day); the 2nd and 3rd Cycle students have to create a poster about the history of an object, related to Circular Economy and, for the older ones in Secondary, Professional and Higher Education schools, the activity is to make a video or animation about Circular Economy. Decathlon Portugal joins this initiative, with the aim of combining the promotion of sports practice with the preservation of the planet. The three winning schools in each step receive a Decathlon check for € 200, for a total prize amount of € 1800.
But the prizes don't stop there and, for that, the students' knowledge will be tested. At the end of the three periods of the current school year (in December, April and June), a quiz will be held with content on sustainability and packaging recycling. The 5 winners of each quiz will receive tickets to the Oceanário, offered by Pingo Doce.
All schools in the Eco-Schools 2020/21 program can register until February 20, 2021.
More information at .
“MAFRA Reciclar a valer +” project, of which Novo Verde makes part, aims to create a living laboratory of incentive systems, which allows to test different technological solutions and monitor their results, contributing to increase knowledge about these systems and promote their effectiveness and economic efficiency in the sense of preparing the deposit system implementation.
It will consist of several elements:
1) Different types of deposit equipment, in order to identify the most suitable for different locations and different users groups;
2) Sensing and artificial intelligence technologies that provide information on the effectiveness and efficiency of the system;
3) Platform for monitoring the equipment network in real time, with automatic management of collection operations.
The project also aims to promote the correct use of these systems through an awareness campaign that will run through the municipality of Mafra with events in stores and markets, in schools and other places next to the communities. This initiative will make it possible to collect citizens' perception indicators regarding solutions and answer key questions such as the value associated with incentives, accessibility of equipment, among others.
It is also intended that the accumulated knowledge is made available in an open manner to all interested parties, promoting the development and implementation of more effective and efficient deposit networks or systems.
Since October 1, all Pingo Doce da Malveira commercial customers are able to actively participate in the recycling process and deliver their PET plastic bottles of drinks and soft drinks, receiving vouchers of € 0.02 or € 0.05, to use in your purchases.
Human ecopoints action takes place in events of great affluence to facilitate and encourage the selective delivery of packaging in order to increase the quantity and quality of materials sent for recycling (music festivals, sessions with schools, sporting events, institutional and for pastas). These message activations have the support of the corresponding Municipalities and / or SGRU, in the transversal mission of stimulating behavior in citizens (examples: Carnaval de Torres Vedras, Rip Curl Pro Championship, in Peniche, and NOS Primavera Sound festival, in Porto).
Event held to celebrate World Environment Day with 2000 Primary Schools students and teachers of the 4 Municipalities that make up the intervention area of ??the SGRU Tratolixo (Cascais, Mafra, Oeiras and Sintra). Throughout this day, children participate in various activitiesabout sustainability conducted by partner entities and enjoy a concert by a well-known Portuguese band. At the venue, there are tools to provide and promote environmental practices to make them more usual and automatic in the participants' daily lives.
Partnership with the Comunidade Intermunicipal do Oeste to work on the sustainability message with students in the 4th degree of all Primary Schools of the 12 Municipalities covered by the Region. The initiative is part of the program to combat school failure "Aluno ao Centro" and offers several didactic and behavioral tools to involve students with the theme and the adoption / replication of environmental behaviors need.
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