The Concession granted to Novo Verde - Sociedade Gestora de Residuos de Embalagens, SA, through Order no. 14202-D / 2016, of November 25, updated by the Dispatch 5615/2020, of 20 may, that establishes the obligation to enter into contracts with the Waste Management Operators wishing to participate in the tenders for the recovery of packaging waste.
For this purpose, Novo Verde provides the following documentation for the conclusion of said agreement and validation of the terms of participation:
Contract Template;
Attach I - Application form for authorization to apply for tender procedures for the recovery of packaging waste launched by Novo Verde;
Attach II - Technical capacity for recycling and traceability.
These documents, once they have been completed, printed, signed and stamped, must be sent to Novo Verde together with the remaining documentation requested by them to and in paper format to the following address:
Novo Verde - Packaging Waste Management Company, S.A
C. Emp. Ribeira da Penha Longa
Rua D. Dinis Bordalo Pinheiro, 467B
Rua de São Sebastião, 16
Cabra Figa
2635-448 Rio de Mouro
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