Novo Verde

Novo Verde is a recent waste compliance scheme, responsible for the collection, recovery and/ or recycling of packaging and packaging waste, operating nationwide.

The Permit to develop its activity dates from 25 November 2016 and was granted by the Offices of the Deputy Secretaries of State and of Commerce and Environment, through Dispatch nº 14202-D/2016.

The Permit to operate dates from 25 November 2016 and was granted by the Offices of the Secretaries of State Assistant and of Commerce and Environment, through the Order nº 14202-D/2016,  amended by the Order n.º  5615/2020, May 20th.

Based on its experience in waste management, in Portugal and several other countries, Novo Verde broadens its services´ portfolio in this sector, promoting the integration and involvement of the different intervenients, in a simple and transparent system.

This news introduces the factor of competitiveness in the national market in terms of packaging waste management in order to implement alternative and efficient work models for all agents that are part of Novo Verde compliance scheme: packers/ importers, packaging and packaging materials´ manufacturers, retailers, operators, urban waste compliance schemes and consumers.

The national recovery and packaging waste´s recycling goals correspond to what was foreseen for 2011 in Decree Law nº 366-A/97, of December 20th, in its current wording, in PERSU 2020 and in Dispatch nº 7111/2015, of June 29th.

Novo Verde made the commitment to meet the packaging waste´s management goals referring to packages put in national territory, using as referral the equivalent proportion of the weight of the packaging that is declared to them.

Recovery minimum target: 60%
Recycling minimum targets:
Global = 55%
Glass = 60%
Paper = 60%
Metal = 50%
Plastic = 22,5%
Wood = 15%

Novo Verde ensures the packaging waste´s management coming from:

• Selective collection;
• Undifferentiated collection;
• Waste coming from Novo Verde´s own collection network, when applicable.

The diagram shown below describes, in a summarized manner, the responsibility of the main agents from the SIGRE (packaging waste´s management compliance scheme) chain:


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Rua de São Sebastião, 16

Cabra Figa

2635-448 Rio de Mouro



TEL +351 219 119 630

FAX +351 219 119 639

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