Covered Packaging

«Packaging» are all products made up of materials of any nature, used to contain, protect, move, handle, deliver and present merchandise, either raw material or transformed products, from the producer to the consumer or user, including all disposable articles used for the same means (Decree Law nº 366-A/97, from December 20th).

The definition of “packaging” referred earlier concerns all primary, secondary and tertiary packaging from which use results in urban waste, namely the ones that are managed by the Urban Waste Management Systems. These packaging are used in the domestic, commercial or services´ sectors, as well as those that, due to its nature or composition, will become urban waste similars.

Types of Packaging Description  
Sales or primary packaging Includes any package created in order to constitute a sales unit for the final user or consumer, in the point of purchase.
Grouped or multipacks packaging Includes any package created in order to constitute, in the point of purchase, a group of a certain number of sales units, either if they are sold as such to the user or final consumer, or used only as a means of resupplying the point of sale; this type of package may be taken out of the product without affecting its characteristics.
Service packaging Packaging destined to be filled in a point of sale for accommodation and transport of products by the consumer.
Grouped or secondary non-multipack packaging Any packaging designed to constitute, at the point of sale, a group of product units, only used as a means of replenishing the point of sale, and which can be removed from the product without affecting its characteristics.
Transport or tertiary packaging Any packaging designed to facilitate the movement and transport of a series of sales units or bundled packages, in order to avoid physical damage during movement and transport, with the exception of containers for road, rail, sea and air transport.

The scope of the permit granted to Novo Verde, in terms of putting products in the market (adherent to the compliance scheme managed by Novo Verde) is made up by the universe of non-reusable primary, secondary and tertiary packaging, including service packaging put on the national market and the respective packaging waste, which responsibility is allocated to the Urban Waste Management Systems. This group is composed by domestic and similar waste, which dialy production is less than 1100 litres, regarding the actual writing of Decision 2011/753/UE, of November 18, and Decree-Law n.º 178/2006, of 5 de September 5th.

In order to accommodate goods and products destined to the consumer, packaging can present different types of material, such as:

Packaging Materials  
Cardboard packaging for liquid food (ECAL)  
Paper and Cardboard  
Other Materials


Novo Verde permit also includes non-reusable soft drinks, beer and natural mineral water, spring water or other packed waters destined to immediate consumption at a given establishment, in Hotels, restaurants and similar premises (HORECA establishments) packaging wastes management, including collective restaurant spaces, companies´ cafeterias and establishments within commercial or sporting areas, whose daily production does not exceed 1100 liters per producer, through a specific management sub system.


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